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Gr 9 Short Autumn 2021

 Grade  9   Physics  Short  Lessons for Autumn 2021   for classes 9A and 9B

 Assessments:    Exoplanet task due in 15 October
Test date:            Week 47

    Lesson content    Lesson resources and links Homework  
33 16.8Small things: structure of matter. Revising the structure
of atoms. Subatomic particles - quarks.
. Scale and powers of ten.
Coping with physics info sheet

Cosmic Zoom (1968)

Cosmic Eye (2018)

Place in order of size 

Lesson notes
Click this link, watch the video and follow the instructions
34 23.8Scientific hypotheses
What is particle physics ?
 Lesson notes
Crash course in particle physics (in case you are interested)
Part 1
Part 2

No homework
35 30.8Impacts of scientific discovery and their applicationsIn this lesson, you are asked to think critically about the advancement of science, and the investment of money and resources into projects that may seem to have no benefit beyond pure knowledge - eg large particle accelerators.

There are no notes, but there is a video of the lesson on the 'This term's videos' page.

Top 10 inventions that changed the world

Blue LED Nobel Prize

Big data

Internet of things

Inside the atom form
36 6.9Starting astronomy - ordering objects in the Universe..

Lesson notes
What things are in space, and where are they ? Planets, moons, asteroids, comets, meteors, meteorites, stars, space
No homework

37 15.9 Distance measurements; light years
Exoplanets: can there be life elsewhere in the universe?   
 Lesson notesPlanning for the exoplanet task, which we start next week.  Here are a couple of good sites to check
Nasa  Conditions for life on other planets

There is also anIonising radiation
What happens to nuclei when they decay ?interesting (fictional) miniseries on Netflix called 'Alien Worlds'.

3822.9Exoplanet taskExoplanet taskWork on exoplanet task
39 29.9

40 4.10Exoplanet task
Work on exoplanet task
41 11.10Exoplanet taskExoplanet task - deadline is the START of next week's lesson (22.10)Complete exoplanet task
42 18.10Big bang' theory of the evolution of the Universe.
Life cycles of stars including formation of neutron stars and black holes. 
Lesson notesThis quiz
43 25.10Autumn break
44 1.11Einstein's Equation; binding energy, fusion, fission Types of nuclear radiation

Lesson notesThis form
45 8.11Karin absent, and it was also Wellbeing Day.Astrobiology video
46 15.11 Ionising radiation
Types of nuclear radiation and their properties.

Lesson notesStudy for the test
4829.11 Chernobyl.  Chain reactions. How they are used in nuclear power stations. What went wrong ? How was it detected ? How a nuclear power plant works
Explaining what went wrong at Chernobyl

European natural background radiation atlas
Watch the HBO series on Chernobyl at some point in the next few years....
49 6.12Paradoxes in physics - special relativity and Schrödinger's CatSpecial relativity

Schrödinger's Cat
No homework. Except be curious about physics for the rest of your lives.
50 13.12
51 20.12